Friday, May 27, 2016

Why Should You Trek The Himalayas

Have you ever wondered why people trek ?? I have mostly seen that those who trek, return to trek again... and again.. They keeping trekking till they can, and when they can't, they get restless to the core !! Some leave their jobs to just keep trekking. Some fight with bosses to gather holidays. If that's resolved, they still fight with their parents or loved ones to be there and trek to the mountains...
Its a madness, its a deep affectionate love, Its going crazy, Its perhaps very meaningful and necessary. If you have a friend who has atleast done one trek in the Himalayas, you know what madness and love I am talking about !
But why all these craziness for trekking and being in the wild ?? Is it just any holiday  ?? Definitely not !! Its much more... Read on to find out why should you start to trek, if not already

Personal Growth:  A trek changes you..  it refines you, and with each trek you do, you emerge out of the mountains as a new person all together. The massive, strong and dangerous mountains standing in front of you softens your heart and make you realize that you are just a human - Nature's own creation, like any other being, No Big,  No Small, but certainly The Special One. You feel like the Nature's Child. 

However big you might be for the society, Mother Nature teaches and preaches EQUALITY like no one else can..

Witness rare views and natural drama of the magical mountains like no one else could: Trekking takes you deep into the mountains, a fairyland.. where if there are any fairies, its just you !! Nature is a stage in which the elements of it in forms of rivers, meadows, vast snowfield, glaciers, rains, snowfalls, clouds, sunrise, sunset, days, nights... everything performs a different play each day ..  Everything is just so different here.. No wonder people come back mesmerized !!

Find peace in the lap of Mother Nature: Nature is the mother of all.. you might have grown older, or just started to face the challenges of day to day life, staying away from home far from your mother's love and care..struggling with some issues in your life... Mother Nature has the cure for you.. it gives you peace, a peace similar to sleeping on your mother's lap..  a peace similar to finding Nirvana..   It heals you and makes you more HUMAN!!

Its YOUR Time: How much time has it been that you did not have time for YOURSELF?? These days we are extremely busy making our lives better, for ourselves and our dear ones. However, that does take a toll on us. On a trek, its You and Your time completely !! DO what you like to do, GO where you like to go, THINK what you like to think. Its beyond my boundaries to tell you what to do when the Time is YOURS !!

Boost confidence by testing your limits and endurance: Trekking involves a lot of hard work and physical effort. A mountain which seems unclimbable, after sometime you realize you are on top of it. Its a result of your effort, determination, patience and courage that you could do it. Something you had in you, but had never realized!! Trekking boosts you moral. Its pumps positiveness into you. Wear that, like your best dress ever!!

Break free, find the real you: Break free from the societal barriers of life and venture into the wilderness. Trust me, you will not regret it. However, not doing it might take you places in the society, but not in your LIFE !!

Fitness and Wellness: Fitness is a lifestyle and not a time pass. Trekking helps you get fitter and maintain your Cardio Vascular fitness throughout. Atleast 2 treks a year, if not more will give you adequate exercise to keep your health on check. Off course, it depends on the kind of trek you chose to do.

Make friends for lifetime: It is said that you make best friends for lifetime on a trek, as you indulge with people of common thinking. Actually, its more than that. I have made lots. Talk to anyone who has been on a trek, get to know about how he made new friends.. I have seen the most introvert of a person go laughing and behave very friendly on completion of a trek.. such a beauty sport it is..

These are just few of the notable points I could jot down. There are unlimited such reasons to trek or to start to trek. Find yours.

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