Saturday, May 28, 2016

When To Use Diamox

'High altitude' is a very attractive words and a cap which many people love to wear... In other to do so, people do crazy things. Its a good sign, but to do it in the right way is the right thing to do.

Few suggest to be on Diamox right from Delhi, compromising the entire ethics of the so called High Altitude Trek. For them, Diamox is an aid, just like your trekking pole. Even then, people die !! Not once, but many a times !! WHY ?? Starting Diamox from Delhi itself is like walking with your trekking poles in a flat metal road of Delhi !!  Apart from creating a medicated bunch of high altitude trekkers, they also create a trekker who fears to venture out alone or in a smaller group !!

For a base level of understanding of what is Diamox and when does it come to picture, please read the article High Altitude Seriousness  first.


From our stand, we believe that mountains are beautiful, but with the beauty also comes the fact that they are high, hard and difficult to climb. Trekking to the mountains is not only about the beauty of it, but also about facing the challenges offered by it. Use your aid, but only after accepting the challenges of the mountain, fighting it out..  you do not know, you might win it. Actually your body IS designed to win over it...?

Don't you think we need to try our miracle body out there in the mountains??  There are many mountaineers in our country who don't even know what Diamox is, but have reached terrific heights on the Himalayas!! Not knowing about Diamox is not good either. However, I wanted to highlight that when our body is tested on high altitude by following all the basic rules of acclimatization, it performs extremely well. So why to start on Diamox before even knowing if you require it or not??

Acclimatization has 3 rules, which if followed, maximum acclimatization can be achieved.
  • Climb High Sleep Low
  • Slow Ascend, Do Not Over Exert 
  • Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate 

Diamox is a medicine at the end of the day, a chemical drug, which is only to be taken when required. We believe, your medical kit should always contain high altitude medicines when venturing into the Himalayas, namely Diamox, Dexamethasone and Nifidipine. ( What A High Altitude Medicine Kit Should Contain ). However, you need to use it decisively and only if required.

Rather than being on Diamox, and being on false belief that you will acclimatize well, take other very basic mandatory safety measures. 
  • check your itinerary,
  • check your group size,
  • follow all acclimatization rules,
  • stay light minded,
  • enjoy your time in the mountains,
  • don't keep thinking about your body - let it do its work

Use Diamox, when you see that even after taking all these measures, your body is still lagging behind in acclimatizing to that high altitude. Take Diamox when periodic breathing does not let you sleep comfortably, and that happens mostly over 5000m ( sleeping altitude, not trekking altitude ).  Sleeping is very important at high altitude because that's when you recover, and to sleep well, you might chose to be on Diamox.

Remember, FEAR is a form of advertisement, to build the value of overcoming it, which in return attract more customers to make it a trending style.. However, rate your ventures...  Is that actually so HIGH ??

Use your knowledge and common sense, if you need help, consult.

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