Saturday, May 28, 2016

Making A Low Impact Camp Fire In Your Himalayan Treks

FIRE IS NOT FOR FUN, BUT ONLY FOR SURVIVAL. Not only the smoke that comes out of the fire is harmful for the nature, but also the leftovers. Apart from destroying the natural wood, it also destroys the natural sight of that place.  Use your cooking gears to warm yourself rather than making a fire. Use body warmers which are available these days to keep yourself warm. Be sure to dispose them properly. Still if you need to make a fire, Use a fire container
Typically, in the Himalayas, the locals are an expert of making a fire, but they are not aware of the ecological impact of it. Even if they have, they take very little care in making a low impact fire.

What Is A Fire Container ?

A fire container is a makeshift technique which is used to contain a fire so that you do not scatter the fire and secondly, the left over of the fire can be proper taken care of lessening the impact on the nature.

Rings made of stones:  

If you are a Himalayan Hiker, you must have seen many times a circular ring made by stones to make a fire. This helps in containing the fire and the ashes later on. You typically sprinkle water to reduce and bring down the fire. Then you can bury the ashes. Its a good practice to dig a pith before hand and then build the fire in it. Later you can bury the ashes.  

Using Coal and the Indian Bukhari

The Indian bukhari is nothing but a tin container to make and contain a fire. Mostly chances are you won't be carrying a bukhari  unless its an organized camping. If you have, then its a very good practice in which you carry coal or dried cow dung and use them to make fire. The fire is contained within the tin container and later you can bury the ash or bring it down.

Using A Fire Pan:

Mostly, chances are that you wont put so much effort to build a stone ring for fire. Building it also depends upon availability of that many stones in the campsite. Chances are also that  you won't be carrying the Bukhari to make fire. In that case you have the option to build the fire in a deep cooking pan. It acts similarly to a bukhari.

Some Important Tips:

  1. Its not difficult to build a light weight aluminium can for fire and hang it in your rucksack. No efforts required !
  2. Always try to find the twigs and branches that lie on the ground. These are dry and burn better
  3. Use woods that reduce down completely to ash
  4. Instead of burying the ash, its better you bring them down.
  5. Use fire only when required. Use body warmers instead.

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