Friday, May 27, 2016

3 Qualities Required To Trek The Himalayas

Trekking offcourse has a lot of dimension to it and involves detailed planning before you can actually be in the wild. Apart from the things which money can buy, like rucksack, shoes, jackets, other trekking gears and gadgets, etc. let us talk about things which money cannot buy for you and you need to have it in you to trek, and actually enjoy a trek.

 can you trek ?

1: Strong Mental Stamina And Endurance

Trekking requires you to get out of your comfort zone, and spend days without that. At times, things go out of the plan, and you have to instantly switch to plan B and sustain yourself. Things might go so worse that the very reason for which you came to that trek might not even be achieved
for example:
you might not get a slight view of  snow capped peaks because weather in the mountains are very unpredictable. It can all of a sudden get cloudy on a 'till-now' clear day and remain so for as worse as remaining days of your trek!! 
you might not even reach your campsite due to heavy rain or cloudburst. Neither go back.
you might loose your way and divert 2 kilometers away from your campsite due to heavy white out, and you realize it only when weather cleared.
you thought the route will have water and didn't fill your bottle while leaving your campsite, only to realize that the route is actually dry with no water points until your next campsite

What do you do in such scenario? You either crib, remain sad, loose it all or show your mental stamina to make the most of it !!

For a trekker, even that's a Himalayan Experience. He will make the most of it, and when he returns, he is much more stronger, with the loads of his experience. Its very easy to show your bravery during easier and good times, but when tested by Time and Nature, you need to withstand, and steer through it.

Being positive minded and staying motivated throughout is the most important characteristics of any trekker and is a must have in you !!

can you trek

2: Good Physical Fitness, Stamina And Endurance

Physical fitness is the basic need. Trekking demands you to walk a lot, and if you are in the Himalayas, there is nothing called a flat walk. Eventually, you have to climb up, and without climbing UP and the climbing DOWN, you cannot complete a Himalayan trek.
There is a difference between walking fast and walking slow, and it has nothing to do with your physical ability. If you are trekking in the Himalayas, you most probably are doing it to experience the beauty of it. By walking fast, how can you realize, look around, enjoy, and finally LIVE it ? On the other hand, some walk fast to reach the campsite early, either challenging, testing and bettering his/her ability, or its his/her default habbit to walk fast.
Physical fitness, stamina and endurance comes to the debate when after the day's trek, you do not feel good, feel tired and show reluctance to do a bit more. OR, if you are unable to walk fast or show reluctance on requirement, and demand of the situation, like predicted bad weather, rainfall, emergencies, etc. 

A healthy and fit trekker will walk good without bothering about it, eat well and have loads of fun!!
On the contrary, if you are not fit, you will enter into a mental complex, and fill your mind with negativity. You will start to compare your abilities with others, or if in a group, will start to complain

Only if you are physically fit and mentally strong, you can enjoy the trek to the fullest... else, you will always remain bothered.. about yourself.. and others !!

can you trek

3: Love  For  The Sport

Its very important that you love the sport. Trekking is not only about the magical views, Its perhaps the only sport which gives you ample time with yourself, for yourself. Its about making friends, strengthening the bond, interacting with different individuals, increasing your knowledge, knowing the world, finding your limits, pushing your limits, achievement, accomplishment... a never ending list.

Love for it makes it happen..  it will stand by your side when you are exhausted..  It will push you forward, when the conditions are daring..

These are the only 3 conditions which we think decides if you can trek. Rest are just to create a hype!! However, none of the above are hard to achieve.. With correct intentions and love for the sport and the mountains, you may beat them all and get closer to the Himalayas. .. and when you get closer to the Himalayas... your madness shows and flows !!

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