Saturday, May 28, 2016

How To Pack Your Rucksack For Your Himalayan Treks

How To pack your rucksack for a himalayan trek

Rucksack packing is a very important task of your trek. In typical trekking, you carry your own rucksacks, and if that's not comfortable, you will start hating your rucksack, and eventually the trek !

A rucksack should be packed in such a way that you don't even feel it. Trust me..  some people just do not feel comfortable without their rucksack on their shoulder !!  Modern day rucksacks are ultra light weight and designed with multiple chambers to assist in packing. They have well padded waist and shoulder straps with chest belt. If you are looking to buy a new rucksack for yourself, do keep these things in mind

A B  C D E F of rucksack packing

Before starting to pack your rucksack, keep these basic rule in mind. This will make you pack just once, but use it for as many days. Imagine unpacking and packing your rucksack everyday..

Accessibility - Pack your rucksack in such a way that all your things are very easily accessible. Use the various multiple chambers of your bag to help you achieve it. For example, have your toiletries on one side pocket, dry fruits and snacks on the other side, sleeping bag on the bottom most chamber, rain wear, gloves, wind cheater, woolen cap on the topmost pocket, etc.
Balance - Your bag should be packed in such a way that it should stand straight when kept on a flat surface. Better balance means optimum packing and comfort on the shoulder.

Compression and Compartments - Use compression to fit in all your stuff into your pack. Remember, not to over do it, and not to under do it as well. Both will affect while you carry it and walk. Rolling your clothes helps compression. Use plastics, or zip locks to introduce second layer of water proofing, and also making various compartments. You may color code your plastic bags. For example, keep all you socks in a green plastic, all your under garments in red plastic, thermals in yellow, jackets in white, etc.. Following this practice will not only keep you rucksack better organised, but also water proof your stuffs and help you take things in-and-out very quickly!!

Dry - Your rucksack and the stuffs inside it should be kept dry. Wet rucksack is not only heavier, but it is not good for the maintenance of your expensive rucksack. Also, it might dampen your clothes. Use plastic compartments and a ruck sack cover to protect your rucksack from getting wet.

Environment - Plan the stuffs to carry as per the environment where you will be going to. If its 
Himalayas, pack for all weather conditions - Rain, Snow, Hail, Sunny, Heat, Storm... all

Food and Fuel - If you love the Alpine style trekking, you will carry your own food and fuel. Always keep your fuel outside, else it might spill and damage your food and clothes. Never keep food and fuel together.. Keep your food safe inside.?

Best  Practices
  • Keep heavy stuffs in the middle of the pack, closer to your back.
  • Use plastic protection from inside as well
  • Use rucksack cover from outside
  • ?Always carry a pen knife or a multi-tool knife, stitching kit and a strong thin rope of few meters
  • Use your thighs for support  while taking down and carrying your rucksack to save the straps from tearing
  • While in tent, you may use it as a pillow, or use it to rest your leg while sleeping. Sometimes on uneven surfaces, you may use your rucksack to prevent you from slipping while sleeping !! 
  • Adjust the shoulder straps to loosen or tighten the load on your shoulder. Use waist strap for better balance and support

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